Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More of Bob

Sorry about the delay. Our computer at home has been down.

The ride home on Sunday was pretty good. I was planning on trying it without sedation, but Bob vomited before we'd gone four miles, so out came the ace. He's been happy to be home, wanting lots of attention. His appetite isn't great, but he'll nibble on baby food and seafood flavored cat food. He apparently enjoyed tuna and sardines at M.S.U. so I'll have to pick up a can on my way home. He is pooping, too, so no intestinal perforation!

I actually had the chest rad taken this morning while I was in surgery. It hasn't gone away. In fact, it seems a little bigger to me. I'm going to give Dr. Warzee a call this afternoon and we'll move to the next plan. Most likely the chest mass is a thymoma and surgery is going to be the option. Since Bob is on prednisolone, I probably won't be taking him up for surgery until I can wean him off. Probably next week.

I just looked up thymoma in the magical Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine by Ettinger. Go figure, true thymomas are uncommon :). However, outlook is good with surgical resection, especially in well-encapsulated, discrete tumors. We definately have well-demarcated on the rads, so I'm going to consider that discrete. Thymomas also tend not to spread, so that leaves the origin of the intestinal tumor open. I think I feel good about the thoractomy, though. Bob's weight loss, lack of appetite and depression could also be attributed to a thymoma. Won't know for sure until pathology comes back, but it sounds like a probable diagnosis.

1 comment:

Amy and/or Tony said...

Yesterday I started Bob on cyproheptidine, an appetite stimulant. He hates the med (even though I had it specially compounded and flavored), but within an hour he was begging at the refrigerator door and scarfing down his food! This morning he was actually begging for breakfast again. Such a relief!