Monday, February 19, 2007


I'm late to the official announcement this year, but our 4th Annual Pajama Party is rolling up soon (Saturday, Feb 24, 7pm). For all you with questions (especially the newbies) here ya go.

Pajama Party? That sounds... er... naughty.
Relax. It‘s not THAT kind of party. If we ask you for your keys, it‘s only because you're hammered and we really don't think you should be behind the wheel.

So why pajamas?
We came across the idea a few years ago and it sounded fun. And it has been. Pajamas are comfortable. Pajamas whisper up and down your spine ”relax. lounge. curl up into that happy space and enjoy the moment.” Also, it's hard to give off airs or be pretentious when you are wearing bunny slippers.

Do I have to wear my PJs?
Yes. Unless you sleep nude. Then please wear something resembling PJs. Again, it‘s not THAT kind of party.

You mentioned overnight guests? Is this a sleep-over?
Not necessarily. Unless you‘re from out of town. Or want to get your drink on without worrying about driving home. Or get so warm and comfy you just don‘t want to get up. Or you just need a night out of your own house. You are welcome to the stay for any reason. We have an extra bed, an extra mattress, and four couch-like structures that fold out into sleeping-like structures. And the coveted chaise lounge.

What‘s the alcohol situation?
Our bar is well stocked, but very light on beer and ‘manly-man‘ liquors (gin, whiskey, bourbon). If you have a strong drinking preference that falls in this realm, you may want to BYO.

What can I bring?
Yourself. If you have a signature dish or drink you want to share (we've found that food that doesn't require silverware works best), we'd love to sample it. But it isn't expected. And if you know you are sleeping here, an extra pillow and blanket would be good, just to be safe.

Where do I park?
Overnight parking on the street is fine.

Is this a kid friendly gathering?
Things are relatively tame the first hour or two. You might not want your kids here after that (and others might feel the same way). Babies are a whole different story. Babies are always welcome. We love babies. And we need to acclimate ourselves to babydom.

Should I eat before I come?
Maybe a light dinner. Snackage is plentiful. Probably enough to fill you up. And there is usually some food left at the end of the night.

Can I bring my sig-o?

Will there be Karaoke?
If there is a demand for it (and there will be). Based on past experience, I would guess it‘ll start 9-10ish.

What's on the menu (so far)?
gutless rumake
candied bacon
sweet satan's seed
aztec elixir cocoa
vosges chocolates
whatever whoever brings
other things that haven't yet occurred to me
probably blueberry-pecan french toast for breakfast (no promises)

Anything my hosts do not welcome that I should know about?
No smoking in the house.
Also strongly discouraged are vomiting, urinating on other peoples‘ beer, and pouring drinks on other peoples‘ heads.