Monday, January 23, 2006

Watching my language

Probably the final installment of the" male half of the blog" mini-series:

I have lately at work taken on some copy-writing. Despite my lackluster presence on this blog, I like writing, and feel that, when I'm not just rambling on the keyboard (like, say, now) I can be a fairly effective writer. If not polished or experienced. Anyway, our writer was backed up, I had nothing to do, and one of the account reps said he had a radio spot that needed writing. The boss man said go for it. And I don't think I did a half bad job. Nor did the account rep, nor Mr. Boss-man. Unfortunately, The client is not so easily impressed. So I had to write a second, not-nearly-as-good-but-pleased-the-client script. Apparently reminded of my knack for creative writing, I shortly thereafter wrote a second radio spot, a couple ads and punched up some headlines. It's nice to be able to grow ones experience in different directions.

More recently, I bought myself a lecture series on tape about language. It's history and structure and the like. Interesting stuff. Very engaging lecturer. Keeps me intellectually entertained on my drive to and from work. For those interested in learning about a variety of fascinating subjects on their way to and from work, check out The language tape series that has me currently enthralled is "The Story of Human Language".

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