Friday, November 18, 2005

Return from Slacking

Have we been slacking on the blog? Yes.
Have we been slacking in life as we know it? Only moderately so.
Since we last posted there have been ...
A trip to Saugatuck where we met Jesus in a nice little cafe (pictures to arrive at some point) and
bought a really nice piece of furniture at a really good price.
Tony's return trip to Saugatuck to pick up said piece of furniture (some things just don't fit in the back of
a VW Beetle).
Our third anniversary (the cause of the aforementioned trips).
My 31st birthday. I felt so loved.
A trip to Indianapolis to see the Lord of the Rings exhibition. It was a wonderful geek-out experience
and as a bonus we ran into our friends Jerry and Michelle. They were leaving the Colts game while
we were leaving the museum. Jerry was painted blue and white. the Colts won. He was very happy.
It's always a bit odd to travel 3 hours and run into friends that you never run into at home.
A piece of our siding fell off while we were in Indianapolis (of course, it's been raing and/or snowing
ever since).
The first snow of the season.
I was given authoritah in the lab. I promise not to whack anyone with a baton, though. (Did you know
that just about everyone loves South Park? It's quite amazing!)

What lies ahead ...
Thanksgiving! Actually it'll probably just be me and Tony this year, but we're still going to feast and
use the good china.
I have a week's vacation in early December, may go to Kalamazoo to see the Chihuly exhibit, will go to
Chicago to see the Pompei exhibit.
Hopefulyy less slacking on the blog!


Anonymous said...

So did you like this weeks scientology episode of south park?

Amy and/or Tony said...

Absolutely. The global warming episode has been my favorite so far, but the scientology episode was good. It also made me think of Guy and the period of time when scientology was a common topic of discussion :)

Amy and/or Tony said...

It is very tempting to delete the previous three comments. I only leave them up because a) I'm not totally sure the park ranger one is illegitiment and b) I think it's kind of funny to keep a snapshot record of the randomness of this new invasive form of marketing. I'll start chopping them when they really start getting in the way.

Amy and/or Tony said...

Hey, it turns out the park ranger guy was a genuine comment from a genuine stranger. Being genuine. Nice to know we're sharing our lives with strangers like proper bloggers.
I just wish he had comments enabled. I'd I've liked to thank him for reading (and subsequently, the read on his blog).