Saturday, December 01, 2007

Goodbye Kitty Colfax

Colfax passed away yesterday morning. This wasn't unexpected, but we will all miss her a lot. I had suspected that she had a brain tumor early in October and she had been blind for about a month. Tony and I were getting used to being seeing eye people for her, but felt bad when a paw would occasionally end up under one of our feet. We were in Indianapolis visiting Grayson's specialists on Thursday and when came home Colfax was repeatedly seeking out corners and then becoming stuck in them. She had the first seizure about 10:00 that night. I took her to work with me yesterday morning and placed a catheter so that I could give diazepam to calm the seizures. She passed away in between seizures without ever regaining normal consciousness. The tumor was underneath the left side of her cerebrum. It's amazing that through the whole process she became more social and more gentle. The house is much quieter without her.


Anonymous said...

Oh Amy, I am so sorry...did you necropsy her yourself? At least you got to find out why she died.

Well, I hope everything else is going well!

Amy and/or Tony said...

Thanks Jen.
I did necropsy her myself. We figured that I was capable of it and I really did want to know as soon as I could. I'm still waiting on histopathology results.

loria said...

awww poor Colfax. I hope the last few months were painfree for her. I'll miss her when we visit.