Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Exciting stuff

Here's what's new from the past 2 weeks:

Baby Shower #1 - This was a lot of fun. I figured out on the trip to Michigan and back that stopping about every 45 minutes on a trip keeps me mobile. Sandi and Valerie did a great job getting everything set up. It was great watching Tony and Robb get competitive with the guess the baby food game (my all time favorite baby shower game EVER, I might just even play it at home with Tony some time). And I was the most off in guessing my belly diameter, about twice what it actually was. We got lots of really nice baby gifts and got to catch up with lots of people.

Big baby - My doctor felt that Pois was measuring a bit big, so he ordered an ultrasound just to check on the baby's size. I was expecting to hear that the baby weighed about 5 pounds. I was a little surprised to find that Pois was at the 81st percentile at 6 pounds (the size where things should be next week). So, either we're looking at about 9 pounds or we're actually 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I understand why my pelvis has been sore lately.

Childbirth classes - We started childbirth classes last week. I love the birthing ball! Even with big Pois, we're going to try the natural approach and if I find that I need an epidural or a caesarian that's OK.

Baby furniture is here! - It's a good thing that we just ordered the crib and dresser, because there's just the right amount of space for those and the glider that Sandi got us. It's such great furniture, though, and the crib should be able to follow the pois to junior age since it converts to a toddler bed and then a twin bed. We just have to figure out how to raise the springs.

Pregant lady fall down - Apparently every pregnant woman has to take a tumble sometime. Mine was a bit unusual because I fell up the stairs rather than down. I was going into work the day after the ultrasound. Some of the staff were having a meeting on the back steps so I courteously decided not to yell, "Everybody move!". I pinpointed a step that I thought I could handle, lifted up may leg, and tipped forward. I reevaluated the step, thought, "How odd, I should be able to take that step," and tried again. Second attempt ended with me falling on my knee and shoulder and everyone fluttering around because I skinned my knee. I did call the doctor, but since I didn't hit my belly and was feeling fine I didn't have to go home.

A force of destruction - My mom and dad brought the Ikea cabinets this weekend. Dad has told us all along that he wants to be part of the tear down. I was thinking that he was just supportive. I was wrong. The man is a true force of destruction. He so enjoyed tearing down the cabinets with Tony. If Mom and Dad had been able to stay a little later all of the cabinets would be out.

On tomorrow's agenda is the nonstress test and another measurement. This weekend is the Illinois shower (our last road trip before I have to stay close to home). Tony is getting the electrician scheduled for next week as the kitchen moves forward.

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