So Tony was asking Talia about heroes and villains today. This a not very correct transcript, but you'll get the idea.
Tony (T) - "Who is your favorite hero?"
Talia (t) - "Robin."
T - "Who else?"
t - "Batman"
T - "Who else?"
t - "Marco Weeo. He's a good guy."
T - "What does he do?"
t - "He can walk. He can run. He can play. He has a long nose like a kitty and a long hair and a cheek and some hair."
T - "What else does he look like?"
t - "A dog that has some teeth and a long tummy."
T - "Tell me about your favorite bad guy ..."
t - "The Gaga. He just takes one and hits at people. He doesn't listen to Kitty. He got a button that fights kitties over there. He does to take something with a pullup with Woody on it. AND he takes kitties from Mommy's work. He does not take any toys 'cause we fight him to his house. It is Flash's house.
Next time we'll learn about Circus the Clown.