Grayson has been at St. Vincent's (now Peyton Manning's Children's Hospital at St. Vincent) for about two weeks now. He's been prodded and poked, scanned inside and out and had tubes and cameras shoved though every orafice. We've traveled down the roads of fear, panic, relief, hope, dashed hopes and frustration. But something has finally come back that all doctors involved agree is probably a big part of the problem.
A stomach biopsy came back showing elevated levels of some long complicated science-y word that point towards allergic reations occuring in is GI tract. So they are switching his formula (going directly into his intenstine via nasal tube) to a hypo-allergenic variety. They will check again in a few days to see if that makes a positive change.
He will likely still have to do a few weeks of therapy to help overcome his eating issues. He's spent so long associating eating with discomfort that he'll need help getting past that into some normal feeding behaviors. But they have a program that will come to our house for that.
He is looking very good -- up to 9lbs. 5oz., good color and wide, alert eyes, occasional smiles. There is a chance we could take him home this week (still on feeding tube, but still - home) until they are ready to recheck or while the results are out.
In other health news - I am sick as a dog. Sore throat. Phlegmy cough. Runny, congested sinuses, and as of last night, so nasty red-eye swelling and mucus secretion. So sadly I can't feel comfortable interacting too much witch Grayson, dispite my face mask and constant handwashing. Still it's nice to see him.