Friday, May 19, 2006

Eye really don't know what happened.

My big fat freak-show of an eye, circa 5.18.06, about 6:45 am. I'm considering charging admission.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Morning of Mystery or I Didn't Coldcock Tony

Really. I do not remember punching him in the eye while we slept last night. Nor does he remember waking up after having been punched. However, he woke up about 6:30 this morning, went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to find a very swollen and red left eyelid staring back at him. By the time I saw it it was already starting to turn purple.

The emergency room is very quiet before 7:00 am. We decided to go because we didn't know how quickly it would progress or if it even would. When did it start? Sometime between midnight and 6:30. If it started at 1:00 it was probably a slowly progressing process. If it started at 6:00 then it might get even bigger and start sloughing skin before our physician's office opened. As things turned out, the bruising progressed into an even more magnificent black eye. The emergency room physician isn't quite sure what happened so Tony's applying cold compresses (you are applying cold compresses, aren't you, Tony?)and he can take Benedryl just in case it's an allergic reaction or Tylenol if it becomes painful. I'm still wondering if it's a very poorly placed spider bite, but the physician doesn't seem to think so.

Anyway, if see Tony over the next few days, be nice. It's got to be terrible to wake up and discover that you have an unexpected black eye. It's got to be even worse to have everyone you see ask if your wife gave it to you.